Current Artist

Steven Markussen

March 7 - April 3, 2024

Recent works


I paint like a sculptor and sculpt like a painter. I am interested in the constant process of growth and decay in nature. There is a connection in my work between what occurs in the passing of time and transformation of materials.

My work is a series of objects made from natural, discarded, and industrial materials. I use the process of layering and subtraction to make textural surfaces. The materials, the raw form, the actual weight, the measured voice, the aging process, and the labor of my hands are all an intentional part of my artistic practice. My paintings and sculpture are this fusion of materials and human construction.

This installation is a series of drawings reflecting on the snag or wildlife tree. I wanted to depict the form of these trees through lines. What intrigued me is their purpose in nature. They are a place to live, a food source, a soil refresher, and a fresh start. The most beautiful and revered trees for me are old and haggard, which represent the passing of time and transformation of the tree. Finally, I wanted a single tree to stand alone on the surface with some exposed roots and bare or cut branches to establish a sense of isolation and decay.